My Greatest Hug
You would think it is a strange time to be writing or talking about hugging. Obviously there is not a great deal of hugging taking place right now with all this social distancing. It has made me reflect back on the great hugs I have been the receiver of. That means [...]
Clearing Your Head
There are lots of ways to clear your head. Meditation is the first one that comes to mind for me. Prayer also works for me and I hope it does for you as well. Talking through a problem or situation with someone else can also give us great clarity. I am [...]
Are You Asking the Right Questions?
Our lives have been turned upside down. Some people are struggling with the new normal. I am not immune to this struggle. Sometimes I think I live in a bubble in New York and that is why I love traveling across the country so much. I get to make friends and [...]
Writing Letters for Students and Teachers
Last week a teacher reached out to me about her students. She was having trouble connecting with them and engaging them through virtual learning platforms. She is a teacher of hearing impaired students. After I read her note all I could think of was "write to them". Don't write them an [...]
Teachers in Schools
I was speaking with a principal friend of mine the other day. He has been a high school administrator for many years. Our conversations over the past several weeks have been mainly about how kids are being affected by the home isolation. They will continue to need support when we come [...]
My Gratitude List
I hope this list gives you pause. I am light years from perfect, thousands of light years. I still struggle with my human character defects. But when I practice gratitude it propels me forward and brings me closer to God. Not closer than anyone else, just closer than I used to [...]